Asset Allocation

Sun Life Financial offers five risk-based, globally diversified Strategic Asset Allocation Models as an option for your clients. With your expertise and help, your clients can select a model appropriate to meet their financial objectives. Such a model should correspond to their time horizon needs and risk tolerance level. Any of these variables can change, possibly encouraging a change in their asset allocation policy.

Adopting an asset allocation model that adapts to changing expectations may reduce risk in the portfolio. The strategic asset mix for our models is designed and reviewed by Sun Life’s International Investment Centre (IIC) at least annually and may be automatically updated if risk/return expectations change.

About Sun Life’s International Investment Centre (IIC)

Our strategic models are designed by Sun Life’s International Investment Centre (IIC), a group dedicated to provide independent research and consulting services to Sun Life Financial wealth, pension, and insurance businesses around the world. The IIC develops and provides oversight for asset allocation models and works with Sun Life group of companies to establish the objectives and philosophy for these models.

  • MONITORING: The IIC also monitors the underlying investment managers/funds and may replace them should qualitative or quantitative concerns arise.
  • EVALUATION: The composition of the models and weightings of the funds within them may also be evaluated and modified periodically to maintain consistency with the stated objectives of each model. The funds underlying each model will be selected from among those made available through our investment solution from time to time.
  • MODIFICATIONS: Any modifications to the composition or weightings of a model will be systematically implemented through client accounts and will be reflected on the next following quarterly account statement.
  • SYSTEMATIC REBALANCING: The models will also systematically rebalance quarterly to help maintain their original weighting.

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