Retired products


Sun Secured Advantage

Please be aware that Sun Life Financial International stopped accepting additional purchase or investment payments into the annuity or investment contracts listed below after the close of business on September 30, 2014. 

  • MFS Architect
  • MFS Architect Advantage
  • MFS Architect Advantage Plus
  • MFS Architect Flagship
  • MFS Secured Legacy
  • Sun Secured Advantage

Sun Secured Advantage – discontinued availability of 5% Roll-Up II

Effective January 7th, 2013 the 5% Roll-Up II Accelerated Contract Payment Liability option is no longer available for new contracts in Sun Life Financial Investments (Bermuda) Ltd.'s Sun Secured Advantage product.

Sun Secured Advantage may not be sold in the United States nor to citizens or residents of the United States or Canada, nor to residents of Bermuda. Other restrictions may apply.

The Agreement

Consists of Guaranteed Interest Periods and Variable Sub-Accounts.

Agreement Designation

  • Individual Ownership
  • Trust Ownership
  • Corporate Ownership

Variable Sub-Account Investments1

A variety of equity, fixed-income, and capital preservation funds designed to help meet your Client's needs.

Guaranteed Interest Periods2

  • Guaranteed Interest Periods of 5, 7, and 10 years
  • Dollar Cost Averaging Programs: 12-month, 6-month3


  • Minimum: $25,000 (USD) initial; $10,000 (USD) subsequent
  • Maximum: $5 million (USD)

Investments that cause the Account Value to exceed the maximum are subject to review and approval by Sun Life Financial Investments (Bermuda) Ltd.


  • The product offers a 5-year declining Contingent Deferred Sales Charge (CDSC) based on each Investment date (7%, 7%, 6%, 6%, 5%)
  • The product offers a 7-year declining Contingent Deferred Sales Charge (CDSC) for the Optional Bonus Program* Not all programs available with all firms (9%, 9%, 8%, 7%, 6%, 5%, 4%)
  • There is no initial sales charge
  • The annual asset charge on the Variable Investment Scheme varies based on options selected. Optional programs are:
    • No Accelerated Contract Payment Liability (ACPL); Pays Account Surrender Value - 1.20%
    • Basic ACPL: Pays greatest of total Investments (adjusted for withdrawals), Account Value, or Account Surrender Value - 1.60%
    • Basic ACPL with one of the following: MAV II, 5% Roll-Up II - 1.80%
    • Basic ACPL with two of the following: MAV II, 5% Roll-up II - 1.90%

Access to Money

During the five years of each Investment, the greater of total earnings less any prior free withdrawals or 10% of the Investment can be withdrawn without a Contingent Deferred Sales Charge (CDSC)4.


  • Transfers are permitted subject to the terms and restrictions as outlined in the Sun Secured Advantage Offering Document
  • Transfers from the Guarantee Interest Periods are subject to an Early Withdrawal Adjustment

Early Withdrawal Adjustment (EWA)

Amounts transferred or withdrawn from the Guarantee Interest Period(s) prior to the applicable renewal date may be decreased or increased on the basis of the relationship between the current interest rate applicable to the balance of the Guarantee Interest Period and the interest rate that is actually credited to the Guarantee Amount being transferred or withdrawn. An Early Withdrawal Adjustment may affect principal.

Target Maturity Date (TMD)

On the TMD, the account value may be paid to the Participant. The TMD is no later than the first day of the month following the Account's fortieth anniversary.

At the death of the first Designated Participant prior to the TMD, the Indirect Participant(s) may continue the Agreement5 or receive the Accelerated Contract Payment Liability if feature was selected. If the Accelerated Contract Payment Liability option was not chosen, the Indirect Participant(s) will receive the Account Surrender Value.

Professional Management

Sun Life Financial Investments (Bermuda) Ltd. (SLFI)

  • A member of Sun Life Financial group of companies, SLFI is a subsidiary of Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada
  • SLFI issues the Sun Secured Advantage Agreement
  • Guarantor of the optional Accelerated Contract Payment Liability, MAV II and 5% Roll-Up II

Butterfield Trust (Bermuda) Limited

  • Formed in 1968
  • Wholly owned subsidiary of The Bank of N.T. Butterfield & Son Limited
  • Provider of trust and custody services

The Variable Sub-Accounts, Product Options, and Optional Programs your clients choose should correspond to their financial needs, goals, and risk tolerance.

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