Secured Wealth Transfer, Basic Protection

Secured Wealth Transfer (SWT) Program is structured to protect the Indirect Participant(s) against any loss of the investment (as defined below) and is available for an additional charge.  SWT is guaranteed by the claims-paying ability of Sun Life Financial Investments (Bermuda) Ltd. The payment obligations of Sun Life Financial Investments (Bermuda) Ltd. are supported by a guarantee by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada.

Secured Wealth Transfer is the greatest of1,2:

  • 100% of Investment adjusted for Withdrawals
  • Account Value
  • Account Surrender Value

1Withdrawals will affect the amount of the SWT on a basis proportional to the reduction in Account Value brought about by such Withdrawal.

2For additional information and further definition of terms please see the Sun Secured Advantage Plus Offering.

Secured Wealth Transfer Programs

Secured 4% Roll-Up

Secured Maximum Anniversary Value


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